Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stories of the Past - 9/13 & 9/15

This week we had a ton of stories to tell about mythology :)

Justin Taylor - The Moon and Death
Megan Bruggeman - A Tale of the African Origin
Lauren Scull - Turtle Creation Story
Juniper Chapman - The Saga of the Legend of the Stag
Sam Mittlestead - The Origin of Mount Everest
Theresa Brown - How Creation Happened
Wena Tsan - The Weeping Woman
Andrew O'Donnell - The Beginning of the World
Jennifer Thornburg - Legend of the Lady Slipper (Native American)
Ashley Robinson - Beginning of the Earth (Iroquois)
Madison Cole - Creation of Medicine (Origin of Medicine)
Lisa Cold - Flood Creation Myth
Vittoria Porcella - The Norse Creation Myth
Jill Yoder - Legend of Devil's Tower
Parker Dunn - Old Man Coyote Creates Earth
Matthew Smaglik - Creation of the Lamp Post
Zachary Mayor - Norse Creation Myth
Bailey Green - Stone and the Banana
Rosemary Cunningham - La Llorona
Jessica Thomas - The Cast Skin
Zach Bowen - How the Night Sky got its Stars
Lucy Kaul-Anderson - "Who Can Say Whence it all Came..."
Jeremy Naab - Creation Story from Genesis 1
Christine Balsley - The Origin of the Hidden People
Kevin Ebert - The Creation of the Earth and the Great Flood
Jerrod Maddio - The Origin of Death (A Cruel Bird)
Sherwood Nyhart - Cammanche Creation Myth
Stefanie Herrera - How the Elephant got his Trunk
Abby Teeter - Creation by Thought
Cortney Bury - How the Snake Lost its Legs
Danielle Bunch - Creation of Man (Thompson Indian #65)
Quentin Miller - The First Lyre
Darrell Schwarts - Creation of Everything (Thompson Indian #64)

Creation Myths :
"Then is a great variety of cosmogonic myths. If it is cosmogonic (creation of everything) however they can be classified."
1) God of Nothing (creation from nothing) a high being creates by thought or by word.
2) The Earth Diver Story - A god send amphibians to the bottom of the ocean from out of which the earth grows.
3) Creation by Dividing in 2 - A separation of heaven and Earth; separation of mass (like chaos); the cutting into a cosmogenic egg.
4) Creation of dismembering a being. (Ymir - Norse Myth)

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