(Dead Man - Johnny Depp - Neil Young Official Video) made in 1995.
Johnny's name is William Blake in this movie.
* Tabet book of the dead
- Going to the land of the dead
The Swerve
"Steven Greenback"
Death and the Intermediate State - From Primitives to Zen
"The Moment of Death"
Eschatology - Log (logos) - "a ground; proper use of thinking; creative ordering of reality"
Metempsychosis - Transmigration of the soul.
Parabola - (conic section) the intersection of a right circular point
Empedocles - From Primitives to Zen (on the transmigration of the soul)
Gesang ist dasein - Sonnets to Orpheus.
A god can do it. But tell me how a man can follow him through the narrow lyre. The human self is split; where two heartways cross, thereis no temple to Apollo. Song, as you teach it, is not desire, not a ....
The Ant and the Grasshopper
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