Thursday, October 6, 2011

Myth Review

  1. From Primatives to Zen
The following items from the Eliade book:
Earth Mother of All
Hesiod’s Theogony
(Not required to know any other things from the book for the exam)
  1. Calasso Book:
    Page 5 – the basket (we carry it all the time, on it is the picture of your story, it’s around you all the time)
    Page 15 – Ediology “Why do men have slim hips”
    Page 39 – Goats (whole page has to do with Erigone and her father)
    The word Tragedy – The song of the goat.
Page 81 – Etiology “Who has more fun making love, the man or the woman”; will give you the answer to this question. Soothsayer named Tiresias. (Tiresias is blind for giving the wrong answer)
Page 94 – Ate – Infatuation, know what it means. Divine infatuation, extreme interesting conclusion, a life without diving infatuation isn’t worth living, will bring a certain ruin to you.
Page 383 – Definition of myth – The precedent behind every action; every step you take there has been somewhere there before you. (Belated) Everything we do is an imitation of something that has already been done. (Definitionof the phrase in illo tempore; in the great time; in the dream time; in the beginning; Once upon a time)
Page 52 – Megan’s blog, in depth of this mage in the book, Calasso’s major theme. Constantly declining from one age to the next, age of convivality, rape, we don’t know the god’s anymore ( we are indifferent)
- Now we just hear stories about the past
Page 176 – Calasso telling how it all came about, not just how it began but how it cam about, that all those people who went to war. Phelops...who was Phelops?
    • Son of the man of Tantalus, the word tantalized, “something you really want but you can’t get.
    • Father, Tantalus, chopped his son up and fed him to the God’s
    • Tormented him in the underworld, apple tree would bend down, but then when he wetn to grab one it would retract.
    • Agamemnom, Menelaus, Trojan War.
    • Leda and the Swan Yeats
      A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
      Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
      By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
      He holds her helpless breast upon his breast

How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thights?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agamemnon dead.
Being so caught up
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?

Kinds of creation stories:

Multiple Choice:
  1. Who was the mother of the muses?
    - Mnemosyne
  2. What was Persephone doing when she was abducted by Hades?
    - Picking Flowers
    - Particular flower, the narcissus
  3. The suggestion that we are all prisoners attached to a wall, refers to what “myth” allegory of the cave? Who was responsible for the myth of the cave?
    - Plato was responsible
    - Question about what happiness brings about, regarding to ate**
  4. Who was always described as deceitful and beautiful, she was also thought to be a phantom?
  5. Who was Europe named after?
    - Europa
  6. Who arrives unexpected and abducts (possesses)? Dionysus
    - He arrives unexpected and he is there, then you notice and then he possesses you.
  7. What is the root of this word; Enthusiasm? What is the mythological root of this word?
    - En-Theos (The god inside you; To be possessed by a god)
  8. Who says “One more time, Athena loved me as much and you can?
    - Oedisius
  9. Abduction is always followed by what?
    - It is always followed by metamorphosis; in Calasso.
    (Marriage – Transfer of property from one man to another)
  10. Which Goddess was born from Uranas Dismembered body?
    -Aphrodite. (Goddess of Love)
  11. Who was the mother of the Minotaur?
    - Pasiphae
  12. What word means the tearing of limbs or flesh?
    - Sparagmos.
  13. Omophagia...
  14. The great desire of a hero is to arrive where he started? Having to do with the stages of mythology; wants to return to the beginning.
  15. Define Anamnesis? You already know what you need to know, recalling things that have already occurred. (Recollection). We have forgotten anything of importance, our teachers remind us of things that have forgotten.
  16. What does the word Apocalypse mean?
    - Removal of the vail.
  17. What does Eschitology mean?
    - The study of the end of the world; study of the end of time.
  18. What in the Greek story was housed inside the labyrinth?
    - The Minotaur.
  19. Who was the destroyer of the delights?
    - Death
  20. Zeus cam in many forms to seduce and abduct women
    - To seduce Io he took the form of a cloud
    - To seduce Europa he took the form of a Bull
    - To seduce Leda he took the form of a Swan
    - To seduce Danae he took the form of Gold
    - To seduce Semele (daughter of Cadmus) he took the form of an everyday mortal. But she asked him to show what he really was and she blew up.

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