This week we had a ton of stories to tell about mythology :)
Justin Taylor - The Moon and Death
Megan Bruggeman - A Tale of the African Origin
Lauren Scull - Turtle Creation Story
Juniper Chapman - The Saga of the Legend of the Stag
Sam Mittlestead - The Origin of Mount Everest
Theresa Brown - How Creation Happened
Wena Tsan - The Weeping Woman
Andrew O'Donnell - The Beginning of the World
Jennifer Thornburg - Legend of the Lady Slipper (Native American)
Ashley Robinson - Beginning of the Earth (Iroquois)
Madison Cole - Creation of Medicine (Origin of Medicine)
Lisa Cold - Flood Creation Myth
Vittoria Porcella - The Norse Creation Myth
Jill Yoder - Legend of Devil's Tower
Parker Dunn - Old Man Coyote Creates Earth
Matthew Smaglik - Creation of the Lamp Post
Zachary Mayor - Norse Creation Myth
Bailey Green - Stone and the Banana
Rosemary Cunningham - La Llorona
Jessica Thomas - The Cast Skin
Zach Bowen - How the Night Sky got its Stars
Lucy Kaul-Anderson - "Who Can Say Whence it all Came..."
Jeremy Naab - Creation Story from Genesis 1
Christine Balsley - The Origin of the Hidden People
Kevin Ebert - The Creation of the Earth and the Great Flood
Jerrod Maddio - The Origin of Death (A Cruel Bird)
Sherwood Nyhart - Cammanche Creation Myth
Stefanie Herrera - How the Elephant got his Trunk
Abby Teeter - Creation by Thought
Cortney Bury - How the Snake Lost its Legs
Danielle Bunch - Creation of Man (Thompson Indian #65)
Quentin Miller - The First Lyre
Darrell Schwarts - Creation of Everything (Thompson Indian #64)
Creation Myths :
"Then is a great variety of cosmogonic myths. If it is cosmogonic (creation of everything) however they can be classified."
1) God of Nothing (creation from nothing) a high being creates by thought or by word.
2) The Earth Diver Story - A god send amphibians to the bottom of the ocean from out of which the earth grows.
3) Creation by Dividing in 2 - A separation of heaven and Earth; separation of mass (like chaos); the cutting into a cosmogenic egg.
4) Creation of dismembering a being. (Ymir - Norse Myth)

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
9/8 Mythology Notes
"There is an object that represents one of the highest peaks of civilization, with respect to which all others we are familiar with are but watered down derivatives: the bronze caldron."
Ideology -> How something came to be
Stories on how X got its Y, how the zebra got its stripes and so on and so forth.
Mythology is a system that answers all your questions. Myth is a system of total explanation.
Illo Tempore -> in the beginning.
Anamnesis -> "is a concept in Plato's epistemological and psychological theory that he develops in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo, and alludes to it in his Phaedrus."
Myth of the cave -> Allegory of the cave...You know everything you need to know, you just forgot.
Professor Sexson said: "We all once had wings, but they started to get heavy and we fell into the human realm."
Wings of desire
Model -> imitative
"In the beginning, God said let there be light."
Behind creation comes the creation of the world of a Greek goddess.
Tiamat was the great grandmother of Marduk. Marduk goes into battle with Tiamat, cuts her in half, one for the Heavens and one for the Bowl of the Earth. Marduk is an Akkadian.
Hebrews -> The Exodus -> The Flight of people out of Eguypt let by Moses. 1200 B.C.E.
B.C.E. -> Before the Common Era (no historical evidence)
Tragedy -> Sparagmos -> the tearing of living flesh.
Oresles -> his sister was taken and was sacrificed. Her throat cut by their father so he wanted to get revenge on his father. But his mother ended up killing their father, now he intends to kill his mother for killing his father.
Oedipus -> The king and his wife went to the soothsayer (the oracle, Pythia), Oracle of Delphi, said good new and bad news. The good news was that he was going ot have a son, the bad news was that his son would end up killing him and marrying his wife. His wife wanted to drill holes in the baby's ankles and put it up in the mountains and left it there to die. But instead the king has his son adopted to a tradesman, then when the son is older the tradesman sells him to the king and queen of Corinth. Oedipus is a bastard child that killed his father and married his mother.
"What walks on four legs in the morning, two during the day, and three at night?" is what the Sphinx says to all the travelers that come across its trail. If they cannot answer the Sphinx will eat them. The answer to this riddle is a man. He crawls as a baby, walks as a man, and has a cane when he's old.
The End: Death: Slowing down of the system. Doesn't move, doesn't function.
The Middle: Transformation: Metamorphosis.
Apocalypse -> take off the vail in mythological terms (take off the vail to see the world as it really is). OR. The end of the world.
And this is the end of my post :) have a great weekend!
Ideology -> How something came to be
Stories on how X got its Y, how the zebra got its stripes and so on and so forth.
Mythology is a system that answers all your questions. Myth is a system of total explanation.
Illo Tempore -> in the beginning.
Anamnesis -> "is a concept in Plato's epistemological and psychological theory that he develops in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo, and alludes to it in his Phaedrus."
Myth of the cave -> Allegory of the cave...You know everything you need to know, you just forgot.
Professor Sexson said: "We all once had wings, but they started to get heavy and we fell into the human realm."
Wings of desire
Model -> imitative
"In the beginning, God said let there be light."
Behind creation comes the creation of the world of a Greek goddess.
Tiamat was the great grandmother of Marduk. Marduk goes into battle with Tiamat, cuts her in half, one for the Heavens and one for the Bowl of the Earth. Marduk is an Akkadian.
Hebrews -> The Exodus -> The Flight of people out of Eguypt let by Moses. 1200 B.C.E.
B.C.E. -> Before the Common Era (no historical evidence)
Tragedy -> Sparagmos -> the tearing of living flesh.
"In 415 B.C the Miloans who had wished to remain neutral in the Peloponnesian war was attacked. They lost to the Athenians, surrendering. Like Euripides tragedy all the men capable of bearing arms were murdered. All of the women and children were enslaved. The Athenians then brought into Melos 500 Athenians to colonize it. After that it became to be know as Milos and is formerly know as Milos today."
( -> his sister was taken and was sacrificed. Her throat cut by their father so he wanted to get revenge on his father. But his mother ended up killing their father, now he intends to kill his mother for killing his father.
Oedipus -> The king and his wife went to the soothsayer (the oracle, Pythia), Oracle of Delphi, said good new and bad news. The good news was that he was going ot have a son, the bad news was that his son would end up killing him and marrying his wife. His wife wanted to drill holes in the baby's ankles and put it up in the mountains and left it there to die. But instead the king has his son adopted to a tradesman, then when the son is older the tradesman sells him to the king and queen of Corinth. Oedipus is a bastard child that killed his father and married his mother.
"What walks on four legs in the morning, two during the day, and three at night?" is what the Sphinx says to all the travelers that come across its trail. If they cannot answer the Sphinx will eat them. The answer to this riddle is a man. He crawls as a baby, walks as a man, and has a cane when he's old.
The End: Death: Slowing down of the system. Doesn't move, doesn't function.
The Middle: Transformation: Metamorphosis.
Apocalypse -> take off the vail in mythological terms (take off the vail to see the world as it really is). OR. The end of the world.
And this is the end of my post :) have a great weekend!
9/6 Mythology Notes
"Since Olympia is the image of happiness, it could only have appeared in the Golden Age." (Calasso pp.169)
Today we talked about finding a creation myth that can be creation of the world, creation of death, creation of mankind, creation of life, and creation by thought. These are different myths of creation and of origin.
Aristotle said that there is always a beginning, a middle, and an end. But How did it all begin? Hence the myths of creation and of origin.
There is a saying, "take responsibility for your own actions," but in mythology it is said "...only the gods can be causes." (Calasso pp.93)
Ate -> Divine Infatuation -> no longer in control of the situation.
Enthusiasm -> enthus -> theos (possessed by the god)
Names and what they mean by mythology terms:
Theodore -> one beloved of a god.
Micheal -> one who is like a god.
People who don't allow themselves to be infatuated don't understand.
It is good to be out of your mind sometimes :)
Original -> Origin -> Not unique -> The same as everyone else
Modern and contemporary music is actually ancient mythological stories.
Such things like alchemy, the birth of the "philosopher's stone."
Liar -> First harp (hand held)
Hermes -> Messenger of the gods. Birth of Hermes by Mia (month of May), stole cattle from Apollo when he was a baby; he was a trickster God. Made the liar and gave it to Apollo for stealing his cattle.
Today we talked about finding a creation myth that can be creation of the world, creation of death, creation of mankind, creation of life, and creation by thought. These are different myths of creation and of origin.
Aristotle said that there is always a beginning, a middle, and an end. But How did it all begin? Hence the myths of creation and of origin.
There is a saying, "take responsibility for your own actions," but in mythology it is said "...only the gods can be causes." (Calasso pp.93)
Ate -> Divine Infatuation -> no longer in control of the situation.
Enthusiasm -> enthus -> theos (possessed by the god)
Names and what they mean by mythology terms:
Theodore -> one beloved of a god.
Micheal -> one who is like a god.
People who don't allow themselves to be infatuated don't understand.
It is good to be out of your mind sometimes :)
Original -> Origin -> Not unique -> The same as everyone else
Modern and contemporary music is actually ancient mythological stories.
Such things like alchemy, the birth of the "philosopher's stone."
Liar -> First harp (hand held)
Hermes -> Messenger of the gods. Birth of Hermes by Mia (month of May), stole cattle from Apollo when he was a baby; he was a trickster God. Made the liar and gave it to Apollo for stealing his cattle.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Mythology Notes 9/1
"The life of Helen marked a moment of precarious, fleeting equilibrium, when, thanks to the deceitful cunning of Zeus, necessity and beauty were superimposed the one over the other." (pp. 127).
Mustos: Mystery
In Media: in the middle of the action.
Hubris: Arrogant
"These Things never happen, but are always."
"Children picking up our bones are not as quick as foxes."
Today we talked about the different abductions of different stories throughout the myths. One of the stories we talked about was the abduction of Persephone by Hades, God of the Underworld. It is said that he came out from under the earth on a golden chariot and stole her from the meadow that she was in. Another story would be Apollo trying to abduct Daphne; he was unable to abduct her because she had turned into a tree because she asked to be turned into something else. In Professor Sexson's words: "I might not have gotten the girl, but I got the tree!"
What we also learned today was about the nine different, beautiful Muses. Mnemosyne, is the mother of all the Muses. Her daughters were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.
Memory is the mother of the Muses.
The Graces are the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. The names of their daughters were Aglaia (or Splendor), Euphrosyne (or Festivity), and Thalia (or Rejoicing). They were the ultimate peace and happiness.
Mustos: Mystery
In Media: in the middle of the action.
Hubris: Arrogant
"These Things never happen, but are always."
"Children picking up our bones are not as quick as foxes."
Today we talked about the different abductions of different stories throughout the myths. One of the stories we talked about was the abduction of Persephone by Hades, God of the Underworld. It is said that he came out from under the earth on a golden chariot and stole her from the meadow that she was in. Another story would be Apollo trying to abduct Daphne; he was unable to abduct her because she had turned into a tree because she asked to be turned into something else. In Professor Sexson's words: "I might not have gotten the girl, but I got the tree!"
What we also learned today was about the nine different, beautiful Muses. Mnemosyne, is the mother of all the Muses. Her daughters were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope.
Memory is the mother of the Muses.
The Graces are the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. The names of their daughters were Aglaia (or Splendor), Euphrosyne (or Festivity), and Thalia (or Rejoicing). They were the ultimate peace and happiness.
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